You can count on Jim’s for reliable commercial pest control services.

At Jim’s Pest Control Darwin, we understand how important thorough and safe pest control is for workplaces, schools and commercial buildings.

Some of our clients need commercial pest control to maintain Workplace Health & Safety standards, and for others it’s simply necessary for a clean, safe environment.

Our qualified technicians keep pests under control

Whatever the need, you can trust our qualified technicians to keep pests under control, so you can focus on running or managing your business.

In commercial settings, it is particularly important to use preventative measures to stop pests re-entering the environment, to make sure your business can continue to operate uninterrupted. In treatment situations, we understand the urgency of certain pests in the workplace and will have a technician on-site quickly.

Keep up with the details

Unlike many other pest control companies, Jim’s always keeps a pest control register for our commercial clients. We provide paperwork after each inspection and update the register, so it’s easy to keep track of pest activity and treatments. That way, we – and you – are able to make informed pest control decisions in the future.

Pest Control Commercial

Some of the areas we service with commercial pest control


Office environments are often shared by both employees and customers. This makes it even more important to keep pests away from the space Offices are prone to pests like ants or cockroaches that find their way into hidden crevices where they often remain hidden.

We have service offices with general pest treatments, termite inspections, and many other pest treatments. In these environments, we know that efficiency is very important to make sure there is minimal downtime for staff. We make our way around your workplace thoroughly and efficiently, and stay in close communication with you during the process.


Commercial workshop environments are often open spaces with many entrances to the structure. This is a great feature for employee accessibility, but also provides pests with easy access.

Rodents like rats and mice love to hide out in dusty warehouse environments and have the capacity to chew through wiring and insulation, causing damage to electrical goods or your structure, and interfering with the productivity of your business as a result.

Darwin’s industrial workforce know that Jim’s have what it takes to identify, eradicate and prevent pests in workshop environments, despite often being tricky to navigate and dense with equipment.

We communicate with you to find on the most appropriate way to handle your pest problem, considering factors such as workshop layout and business productivity.


Businesses that are responsible for the safe handling of food need to be particularly vigilant about pest control. This is due to pests like rodents and cockroaches being attracted to the excess food in these environments. Pests like cockroaches and rodents can carry diseases, risking customer health and hygiene, and breaching food safety standards. Besides, is there anything worse than having a cockroach or mouse run along the floor when customers are dining?

As your pest control commercial experts, you can trust Jim’s to safely and effectively eradicate pests and keep your restaurant’s hygiene up to standard. We use eco-friendly chemicals and smart processes to cause the least possible disruption to your trading hours. All of our treatment and prevention services meet relevant Australian standards for food preparation and workplace health and safety.


Schools are responsible for taking care of our children and this responsibility includes providing a safe and pest-free environment. Due to the sheer volume of people and resources in schools, they can become a target for all types pests. Disease-carrying pests going untreated in a school environment puts hundreds of children at risk.

At Jim’s we recommend that schools especially take a progressive and preventative approach to pest control.

Jim’s is the pest control commercial partner of many schools in Darwin. We work with the right people in your school to setup effective prevention strategies for long-term protection.

Stay ahead of the game with a commercial pest servicing schedule

As business owners ourselves, we understand that you are constantly under the pump trying to juggle multiple tasks.

To help you stay ahead of the game we work with you to prepare a suitable monthly or quarterly servicing schedule for preventative maintenance – meaning there’s one less thing you need to worry about.

Professional commercial pest control

Darwin businesses can count on Jim’s to keep their pest control up to date and up to standard, with minimal disruption to their day-to-day business.

Darwin’s local pest control technician is fully trained, fully insured, and experienced at servicing commercial spaces.