A regular termite inspection is critical for the protection of your Darwin home. Don’t put your most prized asset at risk.
Call our friendly staff on 131 546 today and we’ll be happy to discuss our termite inspection process with you.
Our tropical climate is the perfect breeding ground for the worlds most destructive termites.
Termites cause millions of dollars damage to homes very year throughout Australia. It is estimated that 1 in every 3 homes will experience termite attack.
None of this damage is covered by standard home insurance, but may be preventable by a simple termite inspection.
At Jim’s Termite and Pest Control Darwin, our staff have all the latest equipment, experience, and training to detect termite activity in your home. We have the knowledge to stop the termites in their tracks and prevent your home from further damage.
Why use Jim’s for your Termite inspection?
At Jim’s we pride ourselves in being the leaders in termite detection in your home. We have the most up to date equipment and techniques required for early detection and prevention.
This equipment includes
- Moisture meter
- Borescope
- Thermal Imaging
- Sounding
- Termatrac T3i
The white ant (another name for termites in Austrtalia) inspection generally takes around 2 hours and covers all areas of you home and yard. We look through your garden, the interior and exterior of your home, as well as your roof void.
All our inspections come with a full 15 page written report. This report contains photos, recommendations, and conducive conditions.
If we find termites, our report will show detailed photos of where they have been found, and recommend a range of treatment options available. Treatment options can range from direct chemical application to the nest, through to a full chemical barrier around your home.
If there are no termites present we will show you your high risk areas and provide you with recommendations to help keep your home protected.

How often should I have my home inspected for termites?
The Australian standard AS3660 recommends that termite inspections should be carried out at least annually.
Even if your home has a current termite management system in place, it should still be checked annually. This is to make sure this system has not been breached.
Some homes without any management system in place can often be deemed as high risk. These high risk homes may need to be checked on a more regular basis.

What if I have already noticed termites in my home?
If you have already noticed termites in your home, the most important thing is that you DO NOT disturb the termites.
It can be very easy to panic and attempt to immediately remove as much of the active area as possible. Spraying with whatever insect spray you have in your cupboard is also a common mistake.
If termite activity has been uncovered, simply cover it back over the exposed area with tape or a towel.
Disturbing termite activity will cause the termites to leave the area and spread further and faster throughout your home. This can make finding and treating them more difficult and puts your home at further risk of damage.
Termite Inspections FAQs
How long does it take for termites to destroy a house? Termites can work at varying speeds depending on the species of termite and the size of the colony. If left undetected some species may cause significant damage within months. This is largely why it is recommended you have your home inspected annually by a competent termite expert. Is termite damage covered by insurance in Australia? Unfortunately home insurance does not cover damage done by termites. Insurers will deem termites as a preventable issue, as they do any possible insect damage. Most insurance polices will only offer cover for events that are regarded as sudden and unforeseeable. However reputable pest companies will offer timber warranties and free service periods on any complete termite barrier installed around your home. Why is termite treatment so expensive? There are many aspects of a termite treatment that can add to the cost. Treatments may first require visual inspections that can take multiple hours to conduct thoroughly. Expensive specialised equipment is often required to locate and treat termites. Often hundreds even thousands of litres of chemical are also required to ensure a complete protective barrier is installed around your home. What are signs of termite damage? Visible signs of termite damage can include flaky looking timber, bulges in walls or ceilings, damp areas resembling water damage, and dirt lines or ‘tracks’ on walls. It’s important to remember some signs of termite damage can not be seen without a destructive inspection. This can mean removing wall cladding and other building materials. Often the use of specialised termite detection equipment is also required to locate damage.